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16 May: Making informed decisions about Cloud Computing

Not every cloud has a silver lining: making informed decisions about Cloud Computing Cloud Computing potentially benefits most organisations, but…

27 Mar: BYOD (Bring your own device)

BYOD is more than personal computers. It also includes smartphones, BlackBerrys & tablets. As with our last newsletter topic “Internet…

17 Dec: December Tech Tips

Passwords are like undies…. You shouldn’t leave them out where people can see them You should change them regularly You…

16 Nov: November Tech Tips

Tech Tip # 1: Trouble logging on Check you user name is correct (this is not case sensitive). The username…

17 Oct: October Tech Tips

Tech Tip # 1: Scan external devices for viruses If connecting an external device to your PC (USB Stick, external…

17 Sep: How To Remember Difficult Passwords

How To Remember Difficult Passwords It’s clear by now that a password which is too simple is an accident waiting…
