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December Tech Tips

Passwords are like undies

Passwords are like undies….

  • You shouldn’t leave them out where people can see them
  • You should change them regularly
  • You shouldn’t loan them out
  • The longer the better

Password Humour –sent to us by one of our valued customers (thanks Lionel)

During a recent password audit by Google, it was found that a user was using the following password: “MickeyMinniePlutoHueyLouieDeweyDonaldGoofyMelbourne” When asked why they had such a long password, they rolled their eyes and said: “Hello! It has to be at least 8 characters long and include at least one capital.”

Two elderly people discussing their passwords. One says I have changed my password to “Incorrect”. The other one asked why? Response: Well if I forget it and enter the wrong one the system will say “Your password is incorrect”.

The following article from Symantec. Written in 2002 but still relevant.

The following is a link to an article that appeared on Stuff 21/11/12. Prince William’s official website recalled photographs of Prince William at work as a rescue helicopter pilot when it was discovered the photos showed Ministry of Defence user names, passwords & computer screens.

Changing your network password

You see a pop up box 7 days before your password is due to expire. Don’t ignore the message. It’s time to change your password. If you don’t change your password, before it expires, your account will be locked out.

  • Select CTRL +ALT +Delete
  • Select Change a Password
  • You will be asked to enter Old Password, New Password & Confirm Password (enter your new password again)

If you don’t change your password your account will lock out. If your account locks out you will need to contact LANWorx Service Delivery 04 803 3901 or 0800LANWorx (0800 526 9679)

LANWorx recommend the following Password Complexity Parameters as best practice.

  • Must have at least 8 characters.
  • Has not been used in the previous 8 passwords.
  • Maximum Age 90 days.
  • Must not have been changed in the last day.
  • Does not contain your account or full name.
  • Contains at least three of the four character groups
    • English uppercase characters (A through Z)
    • English lowercase characters (a through z)
    • Numerals (0 through 9)
    • Non-alphabetical characters ( such as ! # $)

Tips for choosing a password

  • Don’t use Personal Identifiable Information (PII) in your password such as:
    • Name
    • User name
    • Birthday
    • Pet’s name
    • Child’s name
    • Hobby keyword
  • Don’t use the same password for online banking that you use for social networking or email.
  • Don’t give your password to someone over the phone.
  • Do not write down your password, and especially do not write down your password in an online or computer file. If you picked the best password in the world, it doesn’t matter if someone else can easily look at it.

Remote Users

  • If users are connecting remotely they will not receive notification that their password is due to expire.
  • If you are travelling overseas you might like to change your password before you travel. If you connect remotely use your Outlook Calendar to set up a reminder to change your password.