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BYOD (Bring your own device)

BYOD is more than personal computers. It also includes smartphones, BlackBerrys & tablets. As with our last newsletter topic “Internet Usage” (Click here to view) it is important to consider the implications & risks of BYOD for your business and have a clear and enforceable policy in place.

In looking at this topic it has raised more things to consider than answers. Some issues to consider include:

  • Device Ownership – BYOD devices are owned by the user. What happens to email & data when the user leaves the company?
  • Device Management – Who fixes it when things go wrong? Who pays for updates / upgrades?
  • Device Security – The data carried is company-owned. You need a mechanism to be able to protect your data if the device is lost or stolen.
  • Application Control – The LANWorx Mantra is “Same is Good, Identical is Better.”
  • Implement a standard device with standard operating system and standard applications. In this way we expect the same results. With a variety of BYOD devices, the support variables increase and with that the potential to increase fault diagnosis time and balloon support costs.

If you are considering introducing BYOD talk to LANWorx first.